Assignment 6

On chapter 11


Due: September 29, 2009, Midnight EST

Total: 45

               Important Note:

·         Do not give URL or link in your answer. Write in your own language.

·         If you get information from some Internet site, you may want to include the website as a reference. But your answer must contain complete explanation or rationale in your own language.


1.  Rewrite the following programs shown in the text book so that these are no longer vulnerable to buffer overflow:   25 pts

a.        Figure 11.1a (page 353).

b.       Figure 11.5a (page 360)

c.        Figure 11.7a (page 364)      

d.       Figure 11.10a (page 375)

e.        Figure 11.11a (page 382) (heap buffer overflow)


2. Investigate the following topics and find out how each attack works and how the attack string used is designed. Write a short paragraph on each:                               20 pts

a.       Format string overflow attack

b.      Integer overflow attack

Make your answer precise and readable by using bullets wherever possible. Make sure that your answer does not contain any redundant information.